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Departmental Honors

“Department of History Honors” is a special designation offered to history and history teaching majors through the Department of History and Honors Program. It provides our majors with the opportunity of graduating with distinction based on their academic achievements and participation in activities designed to enhance their skills as historians.



Upon earning departmental honors, you will receive:

  • “Department of History Honors” designation on your official transcript
  • “Department of History Honors” designation on your diploma
  • Honors Certificate signed by 日本一级片’s President and Honors Director
  • An honors medallion to be worn at commencement
  • Invitations to all honors educational and social events
  • You will receive an invitation to the Honors Nye Banquet when you graduate



  • Declare a History or History Teaching  or Social Science Composite Teaching with a History Emphasis major, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a departmental GPA of 3.7
  • Become a member of the History Honor Society, Phi Alpha Theta
  • Disseminate your research publicly in one of the following ways:
    • Present a paper at a national or local academic conference (e.g., Phi Alpha Theta Utah Regional History Conference; Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research; Annual Conference of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters; Weber State Undergraduate Research Symposium)
    • Submit an article manuscript to be considered for publication by a scholarly journal
    • Create a museum or web-based exhibit with the support of a recognized institution of public history
  • Earn an A or A- grade on senior thesis in HIST 4990
  • Students working on their general education courses are encouraged to take general education courses offered through the Honors Program.



How to Apply

  • Go to the and scroll down and click on history.  You will then read through the information and click on the button "Apply to History Honors Program."  That will send an email to the history honors advisor.  You should then contact the History Honors Advisor, Dr. Francis, to go over the requirements. Students must enroll one full semester before graduation in order to be considered eligible.
  • Complete the following prior to graduation: 
    • Complete the requirements and you will check them off in the student honors portal and then the advisor will approve them.  
    • Submit your university application for graduation through the Graduation Office as required by all students filing for graduation.
Dr. Stephen Francis
Department of History Honors Advisor
Lindquist Hall, Room 273