Take the MLS 1113 course: Principles and applications to laboratory testing, including safe practices for the laboratory practitioner, specimen quality assurance, phlebotomy, urinalysis, basic concepts in clinical immunology, clinical chemistry, and clinical microbiology. Laboratory session addresses the principles and applications involved in medical laboratory assisting to include safety, microscopy, specimen processing, quality assurance, phlebotomy, and urinalysis; with a focus on Point of Care testing (POCT) in clinical immunology, clinical chemistry, and clinical microbiology.
Eligibility and Requirements
Take a 4-credit hour class, three lectures, and one lab hour.
No prerequisites are required.
Typically offered every fall and spring semester.
More Information
Contact Dr. Janice Thomas DHSc, M.Ed., MT(ASCP)CM Associate Professor and Program Director Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences
Weber State University
3875 Stadium Way Dept 3905
Ogden, UT 84408
Cardiology Technician Proficiency Certificate
Offered through the 日本一级片 School of Radiologic Sciences as an open-enrollment certificate. This certificate provides a fundamental pathway for any students interested in professional imaging within Cardiology.
Complete the courses listed below:
- RADT 1012 Cardiographic Technician
- RADT 1013 Rhythm Analysis
- RADT 1014 Basic Cardiac Imaging
- RADT 1025 Limited Patient Care and Assessment
RADT 1110 Integrated Human Anatom & Physiology
- RADT 1111 Integrated Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Typically offered every fall, spring, and summer semester. Days and times TBA.
More Information
For questions or more information, contact Dr. Tanya Nolan at 801-626-8172 or email her at
Certificate of Proficiency in Therapeutic Dance
The Certificate of Proficiency in Therapeutic Dance prepares students for employment as dance movement practitioners in adolescent residential centers, elderly care facilities, detention centers, and day programs for adults with disabilities (in long-term care or rehabilitation care facilities). The certificate also prepares students working towards a bachelor's degree to have desirable prerequisite coursework for a Dance Movement Therapy (M. A.) application.
Eligibility and Requirements
Grade Requirements: A minimum grade of "C" in all required courses with a minimum GPA of 2.0
Credit Hour Requirements: A minimum of 27 credits hours required.
Complete the courses below:
Gert 1010 SS
NUTR 1020 LS
HLTH 1030 SS
DANC 1200
DANC 2410
DANC 2350
DANC 3640
PSY 2710
RHS 3505
Typically offered every fall and spring semester.
Institutional Certificate of Proficiency in Spanish
The Certificate of Proficiency in Spanish will allow students and professionals to validate intermediate competency in oral and written Spanish, affording them an advantage in employment, broadening business opportunities and enriching their cultural and social understanding of our community and of the francophone world. This Certificate provides concrete evidence of speaking and writing skills for employers and associates.
Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in all required courses
Credit Hour Requirement: A total of 18 Credit hours is required.
Complete the courses below:
SPAN 1010
SPAN 1020
SPAN 2010
SPAN 2020 HU
Take 6 credits hours of any 3000 level or higher SPAN courses.
Most courses are typically offered Fall, Spring and Summer, however there are certain courses that are only taught certain semesters. Please plan accordingly.
More Information
For questions or more information, contact the Department of World Languages & Cultures:
Phone: 801-626-6183
- For more information on a Spanish certificate with emphasis on Medical Spanish contact
There are also other language certificate paths available as well.
apply, visit, call or email—get the info you need today