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The Department of Athletic Training 


Below are resources assembled specifically for our Department of Athletic Training students. 

If you know of a resource you would like added to the department, please send an email request to dchpmarketing@weber.edu.


  • Advising

    Our advisors are eager and ready to help you along your undergrad and graduate journey. Come to us with questions and we can help with the process to graduation. and we can help with the process to graduation. and we can help


  • Internships

    Internships are a great way you to get hands on experience in the field. In addition to having the opportunity to be in the workplace environment with healthcare professionals. Discover your adventure with our internships opportunities. 


  • Scholarships

    Students can find out more about scholarships here, you could qualify for a wide range or departmental scholarships or third-partys scholarships to help you with your expenses. scholarships to help you with your expenses.


  • Student Resources

    Need more resources or a place to connect? Check out 日本一级片 student resources, where you can easily find testing center information, career services, online learning assistance, healthy life resources, events around town and MORE!

    日本一级片 Student Resources


apply, visit, call or email—get the info you need today