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Caring for athletes and patients worldwide by providing the next generation of healthcare workers. Be one of them. Be Brilliant.

Read below for information on applications, eligibility, prerequisite requirements, and more.


The information below is dedicated to our Bachelor of Science program in Rehabilitation Sciences. 

For more information on our Bachelor of Integrated Studies, Sports Medicine Emphasis, please visit our degree pageFor more information regarding our graduate program admissions, please visit weber.edu/msat.

  to be considered for admission to the Rehabilitation Sciences program, please follow the steps below 

  • Step 1: Enroll & Advise

    Enroll at

    Weber State University (日本一级片) is an open-enrollment university, you can apply anytime by visiting the link above. 

    Don't forget, once a Wildcat always a Wildcat. If you've taken a 日本一级片 course in the past (including concurrently) please visit Return to Weber for more information. 

    Once you are admitted to 日本一级片, meet with our College Advisement Office to discuss our program and require-ments. 

    Advising Information 

    After a student enrolls at 日本一级片, they should declare Rehabiliation Sciences (RHS) as their major before proceeding to step 2. Students should contact Dr. Hannah Stedge at HannahStedge@weber.edu once they are officially ready to decalre RHS as their major.

    PLEASE NOTE: In May 2021 the Athletic Therapy major was renamed Rehabilitation Sciences. Therefore, any undeclared students who are interested in this degree field should declare Rehabilitation Sciences as their major and pursue this new program of study. 

    Students who declared Athletic Therapy as their major prior to May 2021 will be allowed to continue the former curriculum of the Athletic Therapy program. These students will have until Summer 2025 to fulfill the graduation requirements. After that time, the Athletic Therapy program will expire and remaining Athletic Therapy majors will automatically be transitioned to Rehabilitation Sciences majors.

  • Step 2: Prerequisites


    Complete 25 credit hours with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. Of these 25 credits, students must demonstrate completion of: 

    • HTHS 1110 LS: Integrated Hu-man Anatomy & Physiology I (4) & HTHS 1111: Integrated Anatomy & Physiology II (4)
      ZOOL 2320: Human Anatomy (4) & ZOOL 2420: Human Physiology (4) 

    • HTHS 1101: Medical Terminology (2)
    • NUTR 1020: Science and Application of Human Nutrition (3)
    • PSY 1010: Introductory Psychology(3)
    • MATH QL: Must be satisfied by any QL course, but it is recommended to take MATH 1050 or MATH 1060
    • RHS 1550: Intro to Rehabilitation Sciences (2)
    • RHS 2175: Introduction to Sports Medicine (3)
    • RHS 2890: Introduction to Cooperative Work Experience (1) 
    • RHS 1300: First Aid Responding to Emergencies

        RHS 2300: Emergency Responses (3)


        PAR 1000/1001: Emergency Medical Technician       and Lab (6)


    See our .

  • Step 3: Program Application

    Applications will be accepted within the first four weeks of each semester. Application deadlines are: 

    • July 1st (fall semester)
    • October 1st (spring semester)
    • February 1st (summer semester)

    Please note: Students who fail to meet admission requirements will not be allowed to enroll in upper division RHS courses (3000 to 4000 level).

    When you are ready to apply, please follow the link to the online application system (below). Please note that a $25 processing fee is due (via credit/debit card) before your application can be submitted.



    Once your application is received by the Program Director Dr. Hannah Stedge (HannahStedge@weber.edu), she will contact you to set up a meeting to discuss your admission into the program.


after students are selected for the program, retention in the program will be based on the following  

  • Criteria

    The following is for retention of program admissions:

  • Probationary Action

    Students who fail to meet the retention criteria will be placed on probation in the Athletic Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences major for one semester. If standards are not met by the end of the probationary period, the student may be dismissed from the major at the discretion of the program director.




  • Repeating Courses

    Students who receive any grade below a B- in an athletic therapy and rehabilitation sciences major course must repeat that course, and receive a grade of B- or higher to remain in the major.

    Students who receive any grade below a C in an athletic therapy/rehabilitation sciences support course or elective must repeat that course, and receive a grade of C or higher to remain in the major.

    Failure to repeat a course (when offered) will result in dismissal from the program at the discretion of the program director.



contact our academic advisors for course advisement, admission assistance, or general program questions 

DCHP Office of Admissions Advisement

General Health Professions Advisement


Marriott Health Building - Room 108

Hannah Stedge

Rehabilitation Sciences Program Director


SW Building - Room 219

Justin Valdez

Academic Advisor & Recruiter

 - Room 218



apply, visit, call or email—get the info you need today