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Computer Science Academic Advising

College and faculty advisors are available to help guide you on your educational journey. Please schedule an appointment with any CS advisor.

Julie Christensen- CS & CS Flex

Virtual or phone:

Julie meets with new CS Flex students and any CS, Cyber or WEB majors

  • Ogden, Campus:
    Noorda Building 142U

Pat DeJong - CS

Phone, virtual or in-person:

Pat meets with CS, CYBR and WEB majors

  • Ogden Campus:
    M, T, W Noorda Building 242P
  • Davis Campus:
    Thursday CAE Building 162


Emily Briggs -  CS

Phone, virtual or in-person:

Emily meets with first year CS students

  • Ogden Campus:
    Wednesdays  Noorda Building 142U



Brad Peterson - CS

Phone, virtual, Discord or in-person:

  • Davis Campus: CAE Building 171

Brad meets with any CS majors

Schedule an appointment through Starfish, see directions below.


Ted Cowan - CS at SLCC

Phone, virtual or in-person:

Ted meets with SLCC students who plan to transfer to Weber




Master Programs

  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • Master of Science in Data Science
  • Master of Science in Computer Engineering



* Schedule an appointment with Bradley Peterson with the Starfish app in your eWeber portal.

If you are not login into Starfish, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Search for "Starfish" in the eWeber Portal

STEP 2: On the left side click "My Success Network"

STEP 3: In the search box type "Bradley Peterson"

STEP 4: Book an appointment!