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Fall & Spring Cohorts

Fall Cohort

The Weber State University Fall paramedic cohort begins every fall semester and concludes at the end of the subsequent spring semester.

The application deadline for Fall cohort candidates is May 15.

Applications will be accepted after the deadline; however, early applicants will receive first consideration and acceptance will be dependent on available spots.

No applications will be accepted after June 22.

The format and cost of the Fall cohort is as follows:

  • Monday and Friday lectures from 1:00 - 5:00 starting in August and ending in February.
    • Lectures can be attended on the Ogden campus or by internet for select individuals (see Online Nonresident for more information).
  • Wednesday skills labs from 9:00 - 5:00 starting in September and ending in February.
    • Skills labs must be attended on the main Ogden campus.
  • Up to 240 hours of clinical hospital rotations begin in October and end in February.
    • Clinical rotations must be completed at a 日本一级片 affiliated facility.
  • 480 hours of field internship begins in February and ends in April.
    • Students are assigned to one specific ALS proctor and are required to mimic that proctor's schedule until all internship requirements are met. Field Internship must be completed at a 日本一级片 affiliated ALS agency.
    • The student's location, work schedule, and personal requests will be considered in determining their assigned ALS agency.
    • Students who are employed by an affiliated ALS EMS agency may fulfill their field internship with that agency; however, field internship hours must be completed while the student is riding as a third person and must be identifiable as a 日本一级片 student.
  • National Registry of EMTs testing for certification will occur in April. All of the requirements of the 日本一级片 paramedic program must be fulfilled prior to being recommended to test for NREMT certification. More details about all of the program requirements can be found at Paramedic Program Expectations
  • Cost: the Fall cohort is a State of Utah subsidized course and is dependent on the total number of credits taken by the student each semester. For the 36 hours of core paramedic credits, the total cost is approximately $6000.  Please consult the 日本一级片 tuition schedule for exact costs. Federal financial aid can be applied to tuition.

Spring Cohort

The Weber State University Spring paramedic cohort begins every spring semester and concludes at the end of the subsequent summer semester.

The application deadline for the Spring cohort candidates is September 15.

Applications will be accepted after the deadline; however, early applicants will receive first consideration and acceptance will be dependent on available spots. The format and cost of the Spring cohort is as follows:

  • Monday and Wednesday lectures from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm starting in January and ending in June.
    • Lectures for the Spring cohort are delivered live but online.
  • Skills labs are held two consecutive days (Friday, Saturday), approximately every other week starting in February and ending in June.
    • Skills labs must be attended on the main Ogden campus.
  • Up to 240 hours of clinical hospital rotations begin in March and end in June.
    • Clinical rotations must be completed at a 日本一级片 affiliated facility.
  • 480 hours of field internship begins in June and ends in August.
    • Students are assigned to one specific ALS proctor and are required to mimic that proctor's schedule until all internship requirements are met. Field Internship must be completed at a 日本一级片 affiliated ALS agency.
    • The student's location, work schedule, and personal requests will be considered in determining their assigned ALS agency.
    • Students who are employed by an affiliated ALS EMS agency may fulfill their field internship with that agency; however, field internship hours must be completed while the student is riding as a third person and must be identifiable as a 日本一级片 student.
  • National Registry of EMTs testing for certification will occur in August. All of the requirements of the 日本一级片 paramedic program must be fulfilled prior to being recommended to test for NREMT certification. More details about all of the program requirements can be found at Paramedic Program Expectations.
  • Cost: the Spring cohort is NOT a State of Utah subsidized course and is therefore offered through 日本一级片's Continuing Education Department at a flat rate. This allows students from outside of the state to attend without paying out-of-state tuition. For the 36 hours of core paramedic credits, the total cost is $7,900.  Federal financial aid can be applied to tuition.