To all students taking prerequisites for the paramedic program. Due to our requirement to accept only prerequisites of a "C" or higher, we cannot accept prerequisite classes that are marked as a Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail. Additionally, any courses taken within the programs of our department, must be given a letter grade for progression within that program.
The following are required prior to starting the 日本一级片 paramedic program:
- Be an admitted student of Weber State ("W" number assigned)
- Submit a program application by the published deadline for the semester for which you are applying
- Pass the departmental EMT assessment/entrance exam by the published deadline for the semester for which you are applying
- Possess a valid Utah state EMT certification
- Complete MATH 0990 or higher
- Complete English 1010 or higher
- Complete Medical Terminology (2 credits)
- Complete Anatomy and Physiology (8 credits)
- Possess a grade point average 2.7
All students are encouraged to submit early applications even if prerequisites are not completed. However, all academic prerequisites must be completed with a "C" or better prior to starting the paramedic program. More details about each of the prerequisites can be found below.