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Critical Care Transport

Next Critical Care Transport Course Starts – May 6th, 2024

Registration for this class opens April 1st, 2025

PAR 3110 - Critical Care Transport Course – Credits: (6)
This course will prepare experienced paramedics and registered nurses to become part of a highly functioning critical care transport team, often transporting high risk patients. Topics covered include; 1) History and role of critical care transport; 2) General principles of critical care transport, 3) Patient care principles 4) Trauma emergencies; 5) Medical emergencies; 6) Environmental emergencies 7) Special populations, and 8) Medical, legal and patient care issues in critical care transport. While the course is primarily oriented to ground transportation, the content presented will allow a student take the National Flight Nurse/Paramedic exam. Prerequisite: Paramedic or registered nurse (2-3 years of experience preferred) or department approval.

Based on demand, (minimum class size is 15) the course will run each summer semester (Block 1). This course was originally developed at the request of the Utah Bureau of EMS for consideration of a state certification in specialty care transport. The cost of the course will be approximately $1750, but depends on your total credit load for the semester.

It is recommended that paramedics or nurses have 2-3 years of experience before attempting this course.. Please time plan appropriately as this course is rigorous. You must attend the entire skill week on campus to successfully complete the course.

Course Registration

Registration for this class opens April 1, 2025

Interested in registering for this class?

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Critical Care Transport Course – Hybrid – PAR 3110

Meeting the needs and dynamic schedules of today’s busy clinical provider, this 8-week hybrid course is a comprehensive advanced level class designed to improve patient assessment and management of critically ill patients.

  • 7 weeks of didactics delivered via CANVAS, 日本一级片’s online Learning Management System
    • May 5th through June 22nd, 2025
  • 5 days of traditional didactics and labs. This is a union of the knowledge acquired online over the previous 7 weeks, coupled with the skills acquisition that can only be effectively accomplished in a face-to-face format
    • June 23rd through 27th, 2025
  • Presented by the faculty of 日本一级片’s Dumke College of Health Professions with expertise in pre-hospital, emergency, critical, and air & ground transport care. Areas represented include:
    • EMS
    • Respiratory Therapy
    • Critical Care
    • Radiologic Science
  • Created to instruct providers in hemodynamic monitoring, advanced airway techniques, 12 lead EKG interpretation and diagnostic studies
  • Teaches the skills, communication, and documentation needed to be a successful member of the critical care transport team
  • A Weber State University Critical Care Transport Course Completion Certificate awarded upon completion. If you are an admitted 日本一级片 student your achievement will be logged on a transcript.
  • The course is designed to be excellent preparation for both the Flight Paramedic Certification (FP-C) and Critical Care Paramedic Certification (CCP-C) examinations
  • The course (PAR 3110) is approved for 6 upper division college credits
  • Provides National Registry refresher hours if State of Utah paramedic
  • Participants should be current in CPR, ACLS, PALS or PEPP

CCT Training Video #1

CCT Training Video #2