
  1. 日本一级片 will always be subject to the hazards stated above.

  2. Warning time available to implement this plan varies from little or none to days to weeks, depending on the type of hazard.

  3. All major buildings and departments will maintain specific emergency response plans relevant to their area operations and will ensure that all personnel concerned are trained and familiar with existing plans and procedures, and capable of implementing them in a timely manner.

  4. Assistance from city, county, state, and federal agencies and from other local agencies, as well as volunteer organizations will be available to supplement 日本一级片 resources.

  5. Some types of emergencies will be preceded by a building up period which, if recognized and utilized, can provide advance warning to those areas and/or population groups which might be affected.  Other emergencies occur without advance warning, thus requiring mobilization and commitment of the emergency organization after the onset of the emergency situation.

  6. 日本一级片 officials can meet their basic operational objectives if automatic and coordinated responses are based on contingency plans and preparations which forecast actual emergency conditions.

  7. 日本一级片 will remain open, or will reopen as soon as possible, to fulfill its mission of providing educational instruction after any natural or man-made disaster or event.

  8. 日本一级片 will provide support to the local community, other statewide agencies, and the federal government during any natural or man-made disaster or event, to the extent resources and mission requirements allow.  This may include, but is not limited to, providing shelter, refuge, or serving as an evacuation assembly point for persons not normally affiliated with 日本一级片.

  9. 日本一级片 will, as its first priority in the event of a natural or man-made disaster, protect and provide for the safety of the campus community, with priority being given to student housing residents for shelter, food and other essential services.