Plan Development and Maintenance

This Emergency Operations Plan follows the standard format as contained in the State and Local Assistance Guide, (SLG 101) which provides information on FEMA's concept for developing risk-based, all-hazard emergency operations plans.  This format will:

  • serve as the basis for effective response to any hazard that threatens the campus
  • facilitate integration of mitigation into response and recovery activities; and
  • facilitate coordination with the city, county, state and federal government during catastrophic disaster situations

It is the responsibility of 日本一级片 Emergency Manager to write and review the plan.  Departments must be involved in the pre-emergency planning and response preparations.  Departmental representatives will be asked to serve on the Emergency Planning Committee, which will be tasked with keeping the EOP current and making sure the information contained therein is effectively and efficiently written to reflect actual responsibilities during a disaster or major event.  The Emergency Planning Committee's responsibilities will include:

  • Coordinating the writing of the EOP with 日本一级片 Emergency Manager
  • Assigning or coordinating assignments to support departmental responsibilities
  • Executing the provisions of the EOP upon its activation

The EOP will be reviewed annually and the responsible department will recommend changes or updates to the Emergency Manager.  The Emergency Manager will make necessary changes and updates, print copies and distribute them to all agencies, departments and key personnel having a copy of the EOP.