Concept of Operations
- This EOP may be activated fully or in part by 日本一级片 President, the Vice President for Administrative Services, the Police Chief or their designees depending on the type or severity of the event.
- 日本一级片's emergency response will generally be classified into one of three operational levels, as soon as an event has occurred, as illustrated in the steps below:
- Observation or notification of the event
- Identification of the event
- Nature and scope of the event
- Severity of the event
- When the event occurred
- Determination of operational level
This level includes any incident, potential or actual, which will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of 日本一级片. Response to an emergency situation includes calling 626-6460 and/or 9-1-1, which activates appropriate public safety entities i.e., Police, Fire and EMS. These entities will monitor the situation and determine if it could escalate into a Level 2 event which will affect campus operations.
This level includes any incident, potential or actual, which affects an entire building(s), or area of campus and will disrupt the overall operations of 日本一级片. Major policy considerations and decisions may be required. This level may require emergency personnel be put on standby and/or report to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) if activated by the administration. This level may require a declaration. This level may be handled by campus resources or with assistance by mutual aid unless the incident escalates to a Level 3.
This level includes any event or occurrence which has taken place and has seriously impaired or halted the operations of 日本一级片. In the event of a disaster of major proportions 日本一级片 would likely be self-sustaining for a period of time. In some cases mass student/personnel casualties and severe property damage may be sustained. A coordinated effort of all campus resources is required to control the situation effectively. Outside emergency medical services will be essential. The EOP and EOC will be fully activated. The 日本一级片 policy group and coordination group will report to the EOC where assessment of the situation and assignments can be given. Responsibilities would include assessing the situation, warning the campus populace, evacuating impacted areas, establishing and maintaining communications and employing resources to provide for care and treatment of injured as well as preserving lives and property. Assistance from the state will be requested if campus and local resources are fully committed and the 日本一级片 President declares the situation to be a "local emergency".
It will be necessary to keep the campus population informed of changing conditions and provide them with precautionary instructions.