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Exercise Library

Use the provided exercises to develop a comprehensive exercise program. Materials provided by Dr. Mandy Kirkham, Assistant Professor, Physical Education. 

Below, exercises are divided into three main groups: upper body, lower body, core. Each muscle group will contain the following information: muscle(s), name of the exercise, how to complete the exercise, and modifications. Each exercise will include a link to a video you can watch if you are not familiar with the movement. Exercise modifications are listed from easy to hard.

You can increase the intensity of exercise by incorporating weights. Listed below are some traditional options as well as non-traditional options, or things you might have at your house.  It is highly encouraged that you master form before adding weight to any exercise. 

Traditional weight options Non-traditional weight options
Dumbbells Water bottles
Resistance bands Milk jugs (1 gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, fill the jug according to your preference)

PVC pipe

  • Empty
  • Filled with sand; cap off with duct tape