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Employee Wellness Internships

Employee Wellness works with the Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Recreation and the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Science to provide hands-on internships to 日本一级片 students. Our internships provide the convenience of being able to complete paid internship hours while on campus. 

How To Apply:

Step 1 - Schedule a meeting with:

Step 2 - Complete the Employee Wellness Internship application and email it to raeannajohnson@weber.edu

Step 3 - Employee Wellness will review the application and schedule an interview

Step 4 - Complete the department Internship Contract and deliver to Employee Wellness during your interview


Available Internships

We currently offer 3 types of internships:

  • Health Promotion

    (1 position open, 2 credit hours)

    Duties include:

    • Assist in leading weight management support group
    • Assist in leading various health education courses
    • Lead various health education classes (blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose)
    • Potential to conduct wellness coaching
    • General office work and additional tasks/projects as needed.


    Interns will also need to complete a special project. This will include reviewing past needs assessment data, developing a three-hour education class, implementing the class, and evaluating impact. 

    If time permits, intern will also provide a "lunch and learn" style presentation based on a predetermined topic.

    Interns would need to be able to complete their hours over the course of at least two days (Tuesday-Friday). Preferably, hours will take place between 11:00 am - 4:00 pm as this is when most educational classes are held. 

    Preferred completed coursework:

    • HLTH 3200 (Methods in Health Education)
    • HLTH 4013 (Health Promotion Research and Assessment)
    • HLTH 4150 (Needs Assessment & Planning)
    • HLTH 4700* (Wellness Coaching)

    *Required for wellness coaching

  • Exercise and Sport Science

    (1 position open, 2 credit hours)

    Duties include:

    • Provide one-on-one personal training to faculty/staff/spouses
      • Clients will be generally healthy or have some mild health conditions
    • Conduct monthly gym orientations
    • Potential to operate BodPod assessment
    • General office work and additional tasks/projects as needed.


    Interns will also need to complete a special project. This will include developing and recording 10-minute office workouts. Formats to include cardio, strength, and stretching. Each intern will need to produce two videos for each format.

    Interns would need to be able to complete their hours over the course of two days (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) between 11:30 am - 4:30 pm. Interns will have 30 minutes to prepare for upcoming training sessions and will end the day with 30 minutes of follow-up paperwork.

    Preferred completed coursework:

    • RHS 2300 (Emergency Response) and/or current CPR/AED certification
    • PEP 3280 (Methods of Teaching Strength and Conditioning)
    • ESS 2300* (Health/Fitness Evaluation and Exercise Prescription)
    • ESS 4370 (Clinical Exercise Physiology)

    * Required

  • Nutrtition Education

    (1 position open, 1-2 credit hours)

    Duties include:

    • Lead a 4-6 session cooking demonstration over the course of the semester
    • Develop PowerPoint presentations for each session
    • Research new recipes as needed
    • Develop a supply list and inventory current supplies
    • Assist with set up and clean up
    • General office work and additional tasks/projects as needed.


    Interns will also need to complete a special project. This will include developing a 4-6 session cooking demonstration from scratch. The topic will be predetermined based on a recent needs assessment. 

    Interns would need to be able to complete their hours over the course of one day each week. Preferably, hours will take place between 11:00 am - 4:00 pm as this is when most educational classes are held. 

    Preferred completed coursework:

    • NUTR 1020* (Science and Application of Human Nutrition)
    • NUTR 1240 (Nutrition and Sustainable Cooking)
    • NUTR 2320 (Food Values, Diet Design and Health)

