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New Employee

Employee Wellness is a free benefit provided to you in an effort to preserve your health and well-being throughout your career. 

You are at Weber State University because you have a passion to help others. Employee Wellness shares this same passion and we want to help you lead a healthy, productive life. Participating in the Employee Wellness program can provide you with the following benefits.

Employee Wellness utilizes a third-party platform to manage many program components.  If you have not received an email with an invitation to participate in the program, please email wellness@weber.edu to have your account generated. 

Please contact your department's Employee Wellness Ambassador if you have questions about these programs. 

Current Programming Options


  • Bonus Program

    This program is only available to employees and their spouses that are covered under 日本一级片 PEHP insurance.

    Once you complete a personal health assessment, a biometric screening, and complete an additional health activity, you will receive a one time $300 bonus.

    This program should be renewed annually and criteria will change after the first year.

    This program is completely voluntary. 

    1. Complete a Biometric Screening
      • OR
    2. Participate in one health improvement activity
    3. Earn $300
    4. Renew each year 


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  • Rewards Program

    This program is available to all benefits-eligible employees and their spouses. 

    Through this program, you are rewarded for completing healthy behaviors.

    Participants can earn up to $200 per year. Payments are made once at the end of the calendar year.

    1. Submit your verification each month
    2. Earn up to $200
    3. Program restarts Jan. 1 each year                                                                


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  • Released Wellness Time 

    Staff employees can utilize PPM 3-68 and take up to 3 hours each week to participate in wellness activities.

    1. Renew each year   


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  • Other Programs

    • Wellness Webinars
    • Monthly Challenge
    • Wellness Workshop
    • Cooking Demonstration
    • Health Improvement Classes
    • Group Exercise Classes
    • Personal Training
    • Health Assessments
    • Wellness Coaching
    • TOPS