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History Teaching Minor

Become an in-demand teacher with an expertise in history.

What You’ll Learn

You’ll be trained in history, which you can use as a teacher in the primary and secondary education systems.


What You Can Do

Since history is a subject required in all public schools, you’ll find plenty of teaching opportunities. If you are already earning another teaching minor, earning this minor will make you more appealing to employers since you’ll be able to teach a range of subjects.

Degree Requirements

Minimum of 24 credit hours in history courses  Minimum grade of C in all minor courses (a C- is not accepted), in addition to an overall GPA for these courses of 2.5 or higher

  • Must have a declared teaching major
  • History teaching minors must meet Department of Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements. Visit the Teacher Education Website for information.


Declare Your Minor

Contact Jenna Daniels with your W number and the area you desire to minor in.

Jenna Daniels
Administrative Specialist
Lindquist Hall Office 232