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Confidential Advocacy Services

We know that experiencing discriminatory harassment or sexual misconduct can have a negative impact on your academic success and/or safety on campus, regardless of when it happened, where it occurred, or who perpetrated it. We want to help you access resources that can lead to healing and continued success at Weber State University.

Safe@Weber Advocacy Services provides confidential support for survivors needing help in any aspect of life impacted by sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic or dating violence, rape and stalking). Our certified and trauma-informed advocates will listen to you, believe you, and guide you through your options. Whatever you choose to do next, we strive to ensure you feel safe and supported.

Anyone at Weber State who is a victim/survivor or has experienced sexual misconduct can access advocacy services through Safe@Weber. Advocacy services are available to everyone on campus, inclusive of sex, gender identity/expression, and sexual orientation. This service is available to students, faculty and staff. 

Safe@Weber Advocacy Services is not required to report discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct to the Office of Equal Opportunity unless the victim/survivor wants our support in reporting to the institution. We are Campus Security Authorities and we do have to share some limited information with the Weber State Police about crimes committed on campus. Come talk to us so we can tell you more!

How to Get Help:

Confidential Safe@Weber Advocacy Services 

Safe@Weber Advocacy Services is located in Shepherd Union Room 323 and an Advocate can meet you anywhere you’re comfortable on campus. Safe@Weber Advocacy Services are available Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Contact Safe@Weber Advocates at: 

A confidential Safe@Weber Advocate can help you navigate the options below:

Report a Crime

If you want to report a crime that happened on campus, including sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking, you may do so by contacting Weber State Police at 801-626-6460 or 911, or anonymously at their “” form. You can include your name and contact information as a victim/survivor but are not obligated to do so. The Safe@Weber Advocate can assist in reporting to law enforcement.

Report Harassment and/or Sexual Misconduct

If you want to report discriminatory harassment and/or sexual misconduct prohibited under PPM 3-32 (Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct), you may do so by contacting the Office of Equal Opportunity. Other policies relevant to reporting are PPM 6-22 (Student Code) and PPM 5-36a (Safety, Response, and Reporting). The Safe@Weber Advocate can assist in reporting violations of these policies to the appropriate office.

Advocacy Services Include:

  • Developing a safety plan by identifying resources and strengths and assisting with supportive measures such as no-contact directives and class/housing changes, etc.
  • Assistance with reporting sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, stalking) to the Office of Equal Opportunity (Title IX coordinators) and reporting crimes to Weber State Police Department or another law enforcement agency.
  • Support such as advocacy during institutional and law enforcement investigations (including presence during interviews and court appearances), assistance with institutional petitions, assistance with civil orders such as domestic/dating violence protective orders and stalking injunctions and referrals to counseling, medical services, legal and financial resources and distribution of the Safe@Weber Emergency Survivor Fund.