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Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

Weber State University strives to provide a safe environment for learning and working. Discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation) are strictly prohibited on our campuses, in accordance with PPM 3-32, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct (including Title IX).

If you believe that you or someone else may have experienced discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity at 801-626-6239, oeo@weber.edu, and/or on-campus in Miller Admin 102. You can also contact staff directly at: 

Responding to Complaints

PPM 3-32 Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct (including Title IX) describes in detail how the university handles complaints of all forms of discrimination and harassment, based on any protected category, including complaints of sexual misconduct, such as sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. 

The office responsible for the coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning nondiscrimination policies is the Office of Equal Opportunity. The executive director also acts as the University’s Title IX Coordinator. When someone claims they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct in violation of university policy, the Office of Equal Opportunity, will work with the individual to determine the next steps and assist the person to understand options and resources available.

Discrimination or harassment should be reported as soon as possible after the event(s). Not every report must result in a formal complaint and investigation, and the Office of Equal Opportunity can help persons who may have experienced discrimination or harassment understand their options.

The Office of Equal Opportunity will work with those who report or raise concerns and those who are accused to determine what supportive measures the university may be able to provide to assist individual parties as they go through these processes. The Office of Equal Opportunity may work with parties to resolve complaints informally or formally, as appropriate. 

Throughout all processes, the parties may bring a support person to any meetings. This can be a victim advocate, a family member or friend, legal counsel or another support person. 

This web page provides summary information only and should not be relied on as a full statement of policy. The applicable policies should be referenced for more complete information.