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Report a Concern or Incident

How to Report

Students, faculty, or staff members who experience or become aware of any form of discriminatory harassment, violence, sexual violence, or sexual harassment are encouraged and in most cases required to immediately report such behaviors. We also invite you to report instances of campus climate issues and concerning behavior in order to keep campus Safe@Weber for all.

Confidentiality & Reporting Obligations

When you seek help from anyone on campus, first ask what level of confidentiality they can provide and what they are required to report. Many survivors seek out a supervisor, professor, or individual in a position of trust. You are strongly encouraged to talk to somebody about what happened in order to get needed support, and understand that certain 日本一级片 personnel have reporting obligations:

  • All 日本一级片 faculty, staff and administrators are required to report discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment to the Office of Equal Opportunity, with the exception of the Counseling and Psychological Services Center and Women’s Center/Safe@Weber Advocacy Services.
  • Some faculty, staff, and administrators are Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) and are also required to report criminal activity, absent identifying information, to the 日本一级片 Police Department. See /police/reporting.html for further information about CSA reporting.
  • Other laws prevent confidentiality from being maintained in cases of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of minors or vulnerable adults, or if a determination is made that you are in imminent danger of harming yourself or others.

Other off-campus resources have different levels of reporting requirements and none have reporting requirements to the university. If you are reluctant to come forward to university personnel, please seek help somewhere. 

What do I do if someone tells me something I think I need to report and I’m worried they told me confidentially?

Inform the person of your duties to report, interrupting their disclosure if necessary. One suggested way to tell them you need to report is “I am required to connect you to the Office of Equal Opportunity who will meet with you to help you take care of your own personal safety and physical and emotional well-being, direct you to resources, and explain your options if you want the university to take action.” You can tell the person “The Office of Equal Opportunity will keep your information private, to the greatest extent possible, and will only share it with those who ‘need to know.’ You have the right to choose to whom you will speak, what resources you will use, what you will say, and when you will say it.

Inform them that it is their right to an educational and work experience free from harassment and violence, and that it is a violation of university policy to retaliate against a student or employee because they raised allegations of discriminatory harassment, including sexual misconduct.

Let the person know that reporting to the 日本一级片 Police Department is beneficial to take action which may prevent further victimization, to preserve and collect physical evidence, to see justice for the wrong that has been done, to have the incident recorded for the purposes of reporting crime statistics on campus, and for issuing an emergency notification or timely warning to warn the campus community of an impending threat to their safety.