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Grant Preparation and Submission Information

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Submit a Grant

  1. OSP Services
    • Please contact an OSP representative for assistance with proposal development, including writing a budget justification, writing an institutional profile, writing a facilities, equipment, and other resources document. An OSP representative can also assist with copy editing a proposal and related documents. Please provide the proposal and documents one week in advance of proposal submission.
  2. Preparing for Submission
    • The Office of Sponsored Projects will review your budget and all submission guidelines. Your OSP representative will coordinate a time to submit your proposal. If your proposal will be submitted through Grants.gov, OSP will submit it. If not, OSP needs to review and approve your proposal before submission. A Principal Investigator (PI) can submit proposals via email but need OSP approval before submission. OSP should be copied on the email submission and listed as the contracting authority.
  3. Approval
    • Before proposal submission, a proposal approval form will be sent to the PI, Department Chair (or equivalent), and Dean (or equivalent). All parties must sign the form, officially approving the proposal for submission.

Office of Sponsored Projects & Technology Commercialization