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National Science Foundation Forms

Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is a researcher profile system for individuals who apply for, receive or are associated with research investments from federal agencies. This system helps create National Science Foundation (NSF) validated and approved forms for FastLane upload and submission.

SciENcv can be used to create biosketches for current and pending support, which are required for NSF proposal submission in FastLane. Use the following links as guides for navigating and creating forms in SciENcv, or visit .

NSF Resources


YouTube Videos

NSF Forms Required for Submission:

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Biosketch
  3. References Cited
  4. Budget and Budget Justification
  5. Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
  6. Current and Pending Support
  7. Project Data Form
  8. Data Management Plan
  9. Collaborators and Other Affiliations
  10. Project Summary
  11. Project Description

Office of Sponsored Projects & Technology Commercialization