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Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood

Students with early childhood majors are prepared to work in childhood programs or agencies that do not require a teaching certificate.

The B.S. Early Childhood at Weber State University is accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Early Childhood Higher Education Programs of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The current accreditation term runs from March 2018 through March 2025.

Accreditation Information

Why Choose Early Childhood?

  • High demand for well-educated pre-kindergarten teachers
  • Positions available in Head Start and child care
  • Great preparation for parenting
  • Low student-to-faculty ratio

What You’ll Learn

You will learn about child development and its foundation for young children’s learning and teacher planning, along with early childhood curriculum assessment and instruction. You will be prepared to teach preschool children.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates with an Early Childhood BS are qualified for roles, including limited leadership opportunities, in early childhood programs with children from age 0-8. You will also be prepared for graduate programs in education practice, research and politcy or in clinical work. This degree will not prepare you to work in programs that requires a teaching certificate. Starting salaries vary but average $20,000-$30,000. Possible careers include: 

Lead Preschool/Head Start Teacher, Early Childhood Specialist or Early Childhood Consultant, Family Education Liason, Child Advocate, Preschool Director or Assistant Director, or a Teacher in a private elementary school program. 

Revised 11/15/24

Accreditation Information

Outcome 1: Completion

Number of Completers
2022-23: 4
2021-22: 9
2020-21: 3

Percentage who were full-time at time of completion
2022-23 : 75%
2021-22: 28%
2020-21: 67%

Percentage who were part-time at time of completion
2022-23: 25%
2021-22: 72%
2020-21: 33%

Interpretation: This program requires a 20 hour a week student teaching prior to graduation, but offers options to complete in the workplace so a higher percentage of candidates may continue part-time.

Outcome 2: Completion Rate

Percentage of students who finished the program with 150% of the published time frame:
2022-23: N/A
2021-22: 1 of 2=50%
2020-21: 1 of 2=50%

Percentage of students who finished the program within 100% of the published time frame
2022-23: 2 of 3=67%
2021-22: 1 of 2=50%
2020-21: 1 of 2=50%

Interpretation: Most candidates complete within 150% of published timeframe.

Outcome 3: Fall to Fall Completion Rate

% of Part-Time Candidates Enrolled in the Program (% of Total Enrollment)
2022-23: 13 of 39=33%
2021-22: 24 of 54=44%
2020-21: 30 of 61=49%

Retention Rate Among Part-Time Candidates
2022-23: 3 of 13=23%
2021-22: 5 of 24=21%
2020-21: 12 of 30=40%

% of Full-Time Candidates Enrolled in the Program (% of Total Enrollment)
2022-23: 26 of 39=67%
2021-22: 30 of 54=56%
2020-21: 31 of 61=51%

Retention Rate Among Full-Time Candidates
2022-23: 14 of 26=54%
2021-22: 12 of 30=40%
2020-21: 16 of 31=52%

The retention rate is based on whether students who were enrolled and declared within that specific major during the academic year were retained to any point within the next academic year. Students may not have been retained due to graduating, switching programs, or stopping out.

Interpretation: This time frame is during the launch of the  pre-K-3rd licensure degree. A larger percentage of these students switched to that major that is also in our program.

Candidate Performance

The Early Childhood Education programs prepare candidates to be proficient in the National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators. Our goal is that 80% of candidates will fully meet outcomes.

Percent of Candidates that Fully Met All Outcome Criteria

Annual Year Outcome 1: 
Child Development & Learning in Context
Outcome 2: 
Family-Teacher Partnership
Outcome 3: 
Observation & Assessment
Outcome 4: 
Developmentally, Culturally, Linguistically Teaching Practice
Outcome 5: 
Academic Content & Curriculum
Outcome 6: 
AY 2023-24 90% 78% 78% 75% 55% 79%
AY 2022-23 84% 88% 89% 100% 50% 100%

Interpretation: Strengthen ECED 2860 & 3640 for outcome 2c, 2670 to integrate additional content areas for outcome 5.