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Field Experience (Practicum, Lab, & Internship)

Early Childhood Field Experience

As an NAEYC Accredited Early Childhood Higher Education Program, we prepare competent early childhood professionals by providing high-quality field experiences and multiple opportunities for students to observe and practice with young children. Learn more about the requirements and expectations of our Early Childhood On-Campus Field Experience and Early Childhood Off-Campus Field Experience.

Family Studies Practicum

Field must be documented in a minimum of 120 hours of direct contact focusing on family life education. This is typically met by a 3-credit course called Practicum (FAM 4860). The Practicum experience is in addition to academic preparation centering on adult education methods and program development. It focuses on family life education and prevention rather than therapy, counseling, social work, early childhood education, etc.



Background Checks for Early Childhood Field Experience

  • You will need a background clearance from the Utah Department of Health for ECED 4720 Student Teaching in the Children's School, ECED 2860 Practicum in Early Childhood, and ECED 4860 Practicum in Early Childhood. The background clearance must be completed prior to the beginning of the semester in which you are enrolled. See ECED 2860/4860 & 4720 Background Check Policies.
  • You will need a background check for ECED 4721 Student Teaching K-3, ECED 4861 Practicum K-3, and Teacher Education practicum courses in the school district through the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). Check 日本一级片 Background Check information.
  • You do NOT need a background check for ECED 2610 and ECED 2620. 
  • If your field experience is off campus, you must additionally meet the program expectations for ethics, safety, and professionalism. If the program requires proof of background check, you may get it done through USBE. 

Background Checks for Family Studies Practicum

Students enrolled in FAM 2990B and FAM 4860 Practicum will be required to pass a background check for the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification prior to course practicum. Find information on Family Studies Fingerprinting. Completed fingerprint forms will be submitted to the Department of Child and Family Studies and then sent to the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification. Background checks take eight weeks to complete.

Revised 02/13/23