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Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education (Utah PreK-3 Educator License)

Program Mission: Provide a comprehensive curriculum that enables candidates to seek employment in the field of Early Childhood Education, working with all children and their families by applying theory and research to practice. 

Bachelor's Degree Details

Why Choose Early Childhood Education?

Is your career goal to teach pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade? Pursuing a Utah PreK-3 Early Childhood Education license focuses your preparation in early childhood teaching philosophy and methods for children 0-8 years. 

  • The PreK-3 ECE educator license is only available from a university-based educator preparation program. 日本一级片 is one of the four Utah institutions offering the ECE degree (the other three are BYU, U of U, and USU). 
  • 日本一级片 is the only higher education program in Utah accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). 
  • 日本一级片 and CHF Department have multiple scholarship opportunities including the Lehner EC Endowment dedicated to ECE majors, and the employer-supported scholarships through the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Utah program and the Department of Workforce.

Program of Study

The revised  contain changes to better meet students’ instructional needs and career goals with a focus on flexibility in coursework and stackable credentials.

Program Requirements

Field Experience

As a early childhood education major, you may take part in practica and student teaching at the Melba S. Lehner Children's School, which provides education and care for children of Weber State University students, faculty and staff.

To participate, fill out the application and return it to the Children’s School.


Call 801-626-6277 if you have additional questions.

Admission Requirements

Teacher Education Program

If you're interested in pursuing a degree in early childhood education, you must apply and be accepted into the Teacher Education program. The program has a competitive admissions process. A limited number of applicants are admitted in March for fall semester and in October for spring semester. Admission to the Teacher Education program is a separate process from your Weber State University admission.

Teacher Education Website


Criminal background clearance for field experiences in ECED 2600, ECED 2610 and ECED 2620 in the on campus lab schools is not required. To student teach in the MSL Children's School for ECED 4720, you will need to have a Utah Department of Health, Child Care Licensing background screening approval card with you whenever you are in the lab classroom, or proof of fingerprinting card until you receive your official card. You cannot use the one from the Utah State Board of Education that is required by the school district for your K-3 practicum ECED 4861 and K-3 student teaching ECED 4721. 

日本一级片 Fingerprinting

Revised 05-05-24