We are here to assist you through every step of your major or minor program. Advising is an ongoing process of clarification and evaluation, aimed at helping students utilize the 日本一级片’s resources to succeed in reaching their goals.
We can help you...
- Plan your general education courses
- Understand your placement scores for Math and English
- Complete an academic plan for a financial aid petition for your CHF major
- Decide on a major/minor within the Child and Family Studies department
- Connect with campus resources and/or campus involvement opportunities
- Set academic goals and make plans to achieve them
- Understand University Policies, Procedures, and
- Assistance with academic petitions or complaints
- Understand Course Delivery Options
CHF Academic Advisor
CHF Dept Program Petition
You may file a petition and provide additional information about your situtations. Reasons for filling out the petition could include applying past experience as credit, transferring courses from another institution, or substituting one course for another.
Additional reasons to petition may include: prior experiential learning credit, exception to final grade policy, grade change, credit by examination, credit by petition (e.g., for military training), misadvisement, or misinformation.
- Early Childhood, Early Childhood Education, or Child Development majors/minors, please .
- Family Studies majors/minors, please .
You must be logged into the eWeber portal to view the Google forms.
NOTE: During the summer semester months, petitions may not be addressed until the week before the Fall semester begins.
Revised 07-29-24