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Our students have multiple opportunities to earn recognition for their work. These recognitions can make you stand out as exceptional to professional school admissions committees, graduate programs and prospective employers.

CHF Departmental Honors 

Students must apply to be awarded departmental honors and be cleared by both the Child & Family Studies Department and the Honors Program.

Under Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education under the Child & Family Studies department, click  and meet the requirements listed.

Upon receiving departmental honors, you will be recognized via a designation on your transcript, graduation medallion, invitations to banquets, and more. 


To learn more about the benefits of receiving department honors as well as the requirements, please visit our Departmental Honors webpage. Must be declared at least 2 semesters before graduation.

NCFR Student Honors

The recognizes exceptional scholarship, leadership and community service in the family discipline of graduating undergraduate and graduate students through its honors student recognition program.
Students can submit applications for themselves, or be nominated by a college/university faculty or staff person, or employer. Awardees receive a graduation stole, a certificate, and recognition in the NCFR Report member magazine. The student must fulfill the following to be considered:
  • Be a member of NCFR. The student can be an undergraduate or graduate student.
  • Have at least 30 credits in family-specific coursework.
  • Have a grade-point average (GPA) in their major of 3.5 or better at the time of application.
Please visit The for details on requirements, applications and deadlines. 


UAEYC Student Honors 

Join the Utah Association for the Education of Young Children (UAEYC) early in your program to benefit from all of the resources available to members in UAEYC and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). For more information on becoming a member, visit the

One benefit to membership is the potential to be awarded with UAEYC Student Honors! This is a way for your efforts as a student to be recognized by our professional organization. In addition, it enhances your resume for future employers by showing your dedication to the field of Early Childhood. You must be a member of UAEYC/NAEYC to be eligible for this award. 

As members, graduating students apply fall (by Nov. 1) and spring (by March 15) for the UAEYC Student Honors. Through this , you will be asked to provide information about your knowledge, skills, and involvement in the field of early childhood. You can apply for membership and student honors at the same time. There is a $25 fee for the application. You will get a certificate and a UAEYC Honors pin to wear at graduation For an extra fee of $30, you may choose to order a UAEYC Honors stole to wear.

Revised 07/19/23